Friday, January 15, 2010

MMMmmmexican Rice

Josh and I took a snow day yesterday and went to Whitetail to hit the slopes. It was the first time snowboarding in about a year, so we were both happily sore, exhausted and starving by the time we made it home. I'd been formulating the perfect "no fuss" dinner on the ride home, and I had the perfect tool for the job: my new rice cooker.

I'd been thinking about buying one of these gadgets for a while, and when I spotted one on sale the other day I decided now's the time. They are quite simple to use but I still managed to mess it up the first time around (but that's a story for another day). This would be my second attempt and I was determined to make it a good one. The plan was to get home, throw a bunch of stuff in the cooker, hop in the shower, then come downstairs where dinner would be waiting. And it worked!

I love the rice cooker, it is like a crockpot on steroids. I've never been patient enough to get a lot of use out of my crockpot; in theory it's great, but I'm not good enough at predicting what I will want to eat 8 hours in advance, or at having all my ingredients ready the day before in order to throw them all in the pot in the morning so they'll be ready when I get home from work. I'm more of an "in the moment" kind of cook. How Zen.

But the rice cooker - that only takes 30 minutes! Perfect for a last-minute "we're exhausted and starving" type of dinner. I'd already stocked up on rice earlier in the week, the better to make use of my new toy.

So with about 5 minutes of prep, and 30-ish minutes of cooking, we had a delicious, satisfying dinner at the end of a long, fun day!

Here's what I used:
1 carrot, sliced
4-5 sliced white mushrooms, broken into bits
1 small can corn (no salt)
1 small can black beans
2 c. brown rice
1 can Ro-Tel (diced tomatoes and chiles)
1 c. water
Some Butter (about 2 Tbsp? I'm not good with exact measurements ...)

Here's what I did: Threw it all in the rice cooker, stirred it up, turned it on and walked away!

Shredded cheddar cheese
Sour cream
Hot Mexican Chili Powder
Tomato basil wraps (we were out of normal flour tortillas - scandalous!)

It was a little bland right out of the pot, so if I made this again I would add the chili powder at the beginning ... but adding it at the end was just fine.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! Can't wait to try it! Thanks for the great cooking ideas! Marthea
